Fast action liquid is designed to increase thermogenesis, aid fat loss, and increase energy FAST.
Thermogen Electric's formulation includes the synergistic fat loss herbs Guarana (key active ingredient: caffeine) and Citrus Aurantium (active ingredient: Synephrine/Oxedrine), which are designed to increase the rate of fat oxidation, partially by increasing body temperature (i.e. thermogenesis).
Simultaneously, these herbs drastically increase energy and alertness - making them ideal pre-workout supplements. These herbs may also help to suppress appetite, a sometimes ignored, but vitally important aspect to fat loss diets.
Thermogen Electric incorporates additional herbs designed to assist and support Citrus Auranium and Guarana. These include Willow Bark, Green Tea, and Quercetin - all dissolved in a tangerine flavoured liquid, designed for rapid absorption for FAST results.
Thermogen Electric is best taken before exercise or training, so that any fat released from storage is available for use as energy, and more likely to result in sustained fat loss.
Thermogen Electric is also suitable for use between meals, to increase mental focus and physical energy, and to reduce appetite, especially when on a reduced kilojoule diet.