Body War Daily Greens
Body War Daily Greens is nutrient rich superfood that contains an amazing blend of Fruits, Vegetables, Roots and Seeds all rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It also contains fibre as well as a Pre and Pro Biotic Blend.
Nutrient Rich Superfood
When it comes to getting our daily intake of fruits and vegetables, it can become hard sometimes with our busy life styles. That’s why BodyWar Nutrition has come up with Daily Greens.
Daily Greens can be enjoyed hot or cold. It can also be used in baking or be added to smoothies for that great Chocolate taste with all the benefits and none of the nasty calories.
So when you are craving a sweet treat Daily Greens is all you need!
– Amazing Taste / Delicious Hot or Cold
– High in Antioxidants / Pre & Pro Biotics
– Naturally Flavoured / No Sugar
– All Natural / Gluten Free
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